Monday, July 10, 2006

I think I may well be in love with the Pirate Captain. He has a fabulous silky beard, likes ham, is really good at mini golf and has a sneer reminiscent of Elvis. Plus he gets things wrong all the time and doesn't really care. He is the Pirate Captain, after all. I'm reading The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists / The Pirates! In an Adventure with Ahab. Both books are bound together as one and it's a great deal at $9.95! It is a completely ridiculous book. It was making me laugh all through lunch! I was afraid my co-workers were going to notice and think I was weird. (but then again, I think they always think I'm a bit weird!)

I definitely have a crush on the author of The Pirates! - Gideon Defoe. He writes completely silly books about pirates. He obviously likes ham. He has a degree in anthropology and archaeology. He likes to include interesting and informative footnotes. I like all those things too. And the little author bio says "His mother does not regard writing stupid books about pirates as any kind of an occupation for an adult." I'm pretty sure my mother feels the same way.

I've added more pictures to my photo album thing, but they're just pictures of clouds and sunsets. I like to take them, that's all. :) I added some links to my photos in the sidebar, too, if anyone is wondering where they are. Or if you just need a Spike fix.

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