Friday, March 16, 2007

Search all Picasa photos

I noticed last night that they finally added a community search thing to Picasa. (This means that you can search everyone's photos on Picasa.) So I was searching for some stuff today at lunch. I searched for Spike, thinking that there would be a lot of pictures of pets or people called Spike and maybe some pictures of actual spikes (you never know!). I thought that my Spike would probably show up in the search results.

(Click on photo to see it bigger)

As you can see, he did. Or rather, we did. The super dorky Halloween picture from last year is the first photo that shows up. 534 photos show up and we're first. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or proud.

I'm really tempted to search for "bathroom pics" but I'm too scared to do it. I'm not worried that my bathroom pics will some out at the top of the list, I'm afraid of the pictures other people have labeled "bathroom pics"! I'll have to try it this weekend, when I'm in a safer place (I don't think everyone here at work would like to see scary bathroom pics! lol Or at least I wouldn't want them seeing me looking at strangers' bathroom pics. lol)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Steve & Shala @ Ikea

I had a nice dinner with my cousin Steve, his girlfriend, Shala, and my parents tonight. Steve and Shala were on their way back from a short business/pleasure trip in New York City. It sounds like they had fun! I'm jealous - I've never been to NYC. Anyone want to go with me? :)

If you hadn't guessed, we ate at Ikea. (It's near the airport!) I finally ordered a half-healthy meal at Ikea - the kid's plate of meatballs and fries plus a (large!) side of mixed veggies. I'm not exactly sure what they are, but I love those yellow carrot things! And french fries.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Game Night

Dan's birthday

Ok, these are a little late. but just a little. ;)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow report

This is for Todd inside at work, Doug down there in GA and my parents on vacation in FL!

I left work early today because this is what it's like outside!

I know - this isn't the best picture. But I had to shovel my driveway just to get my car in the garage so I'm not willing to go back out there and get a decent photo. so there. That white lump in the bottom right corner of the picture is a bench - the snow in the ground is almost high enough to cover the seat of the bench!

Spike and I are cold.