Thursday, August 31, 2006


My first nephew arrived this morning!

Samuel Francis

8/30/06, 5:15 AM

7 lbs 10 ozs, 20.5 inches

Click on the picture to see more!

Aug 30, 2006 - 10 Photos

Monday, August 28, 2006

Peaches and fangs! Rawr!

These peaches tasted fantastic
and looked really pretty too!
I got a new cell phone.
Spike's getting calls already...
Fangs! I never get to see these!
He's not that tough though - he's yawning.

I'm almost done with this sweater!
I'm just excited.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Crazy Elvis movie - Harum Scarum.
It was awful. Even I didn't watch it.

Baby booties

Prince Charming

Feathered friends
(Ok, they're entertainment for Spike!)


You guys may have noticed some changes here - I switched to the new Blogger Beta. (Question: why is it "Blogger Beta" but "Picasa Web Albums Test"?) I think I was in one of the first - if not the first - groups of people invited to switch. I think Google's realized I'm one of those people who will jump on anything they send out right away. lol

Anyway - They finally let us add labels (or tags) on posts. Those are the words lists under each post. I added a list of them on the sidebar so you can find things. So if you're looking for the stuff I posted about my July 4th visit with my cousins, click on the Family link. It will only show you posts about my family. Try it and leave me a comment to let me know what you think!

Behind the scenes they've made it a little easier to customize your blog template without knowing any html. I have no problem playing with the html, but I'm lazy. I have to admit I like the drag and drop/fill in the blanks things. And they made the spell check just like the one gmail uses! I've been hoping they'd do that!!!

A couple of things I don't like:

  • No three column templates! I want to have a three column template!
  • They won't let me edit the html. There are a few things I want to clean up or change in the template and I can't. Also, if I could edit the html I could get that three column template I want. (I have one all ready to go. I just never got around to publishing it. and now I can't.) They do say that they'll let us edit the html soon though.
  • I think in the old version of this blog that if you clicked on the Spike and I title in the top left corner of the page it would take you back to There's no way that I can see now to get back to the "home" blog page. This is really annoying if you click on one of the label/tag links and then want to go back. And I haven't found a way to make that title a link since I can't use html.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Especially let me know if anything is confusing or hard to use! (I am a Technical Communication Specialist, you know - I should be able to design a user-friendly blog. (I just got a new job title at work. I love it. It makes me feel important. ;) ))

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Sad but true - I'm a fan of Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman.
and cheetos.

For those of you not in the know, Fetch! is a reality show
for pre-teens hosted by a cartoon dog. It's awesome.
(Well, it's a lot better than watching reruns of Sex in the City.)

Also, it's my blog. I can post all the pictures of food and my cat that I want.
You, on the other hand, don't have to come here and read it.
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Spike types. and has cute paws.

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

An Idea!

I have had a really cool idea. A really, really cool idea.

Well, I like it anyway. lol

but I'm not sharing it. Yet.


I'm so excited about my idea... lol

Monday, August 07, 2006


I wonder how much longer they'll let me pose them? ;)

Peach pie!

Sweet potato fries!

I don't know why, but I've been kind of obsessed with food these last two weeks. It's practically all I think about. This is just not right. At the stoplight tonight I watched the guy in the car behind me eat a Big Mac. He carefully took it out of the box, had a couple big bites, set the sandwich down and then licked a few fingers. It was really, really wierd - I suddenly wanted nothing more than to be sitting in a dumpy red Geo Metro licking special sauce off some guy's thumb.

I don't even like condiments!

I do like to watch people in my rearview mirror though - I do it all the time.
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Saturday, August 05, 2006


Are you ready for the $.67 breakfast?

Get out the Egg & Muffin Toaster...

Start with the toasted wheat English muffin...

... add peanut butter...

... add cooked egg...

... add cheddar cheese slice...

... top with other half of muffin!


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ikea meatballs and lots of Spike

Meatballs, gravy, french fries and lignonberry drink.
I went to Ikea with my mom and some friends of ours.
I think they thought I was a bit nutty when I pulled out
the camera. I think my mom's used to it though. :)
10 meatballs + gravy = approximately 13 ww points.

This is how we spend Saturday morning...

... and Saturday afternoon!

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