Friday, December 22, 2006

New Glasses

Yes, those are rhinestones. They're really sparkly!


Everyone ran to the windows at work to watch the snow.
They laughed at me when I ran to grab my camera.

I94, the cathedral and a construction crane.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fajitas. Strawberries. Chocolate.
Dancing in the kitchen.
It was a good night.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dino hats!

I finally finished the dino hats!
These are for a few little buddies of mine.
I just hope they fit - I'm guessing on sizes!

More blog changes

As you can see, I've made a bunch of changes to the blog color scheme. Please let me know if something looks strange or if you think the colors make it really hard to read!

More Ikea...

mmm... meatballs & fries!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

full moon

I got a new camera! I've been playing with it and having a lot of fun the last few days. Tonight I figured out where the long shutter thing is. I love playing with it. So I used the Eddie Bauer catalog I found in my mailbox (hey, I was just excited that it wasn't a bill!) to prop up the camera on top of the mailbox and took this shot. (Don't worry - I'll get better after a little practice! :) )

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday, November 25, 2006


The classic family photo. Sam is, of course,
totally not paying any attention. lol

Anyone recognize that fabulous dish?

Possibly the best part - leftovers!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Kitty Dance

This is really funny. And the song gets totally stuck in your head!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

you don't really care, do you?

I should have known better.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I modified my blog layout - please let me know if it looks strange!!!

Plush Puppy Slippers

Pattern: Plush Puppy Slippers from the Lion Brand website
Supplies: Size 9 needles & Lion Brand Tiffany yarn (love the Tiffany yarn!)

I followed the pattern but made them smaller based on my rough measurements of my nephew Sam's feet. I made them 20 stitches wide and did 14 rows with the garter stitch border and 10 rows of plain stockinette before the decreases. I would say they're roughly size 3 - 6 months. They're about 3 3/4" long, 4" around and stretchy. They fit Sam like I hoped they would - they're a little big but he can wear them now. (For reference, he's 9 weeks old, but tall (24") with big feet. Just like Dad!)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

pics from last weekend

Sam & grandmas


trying to sleep

fluffy puppy slippers. soo cute!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

No cats were harmed in the making of this picture. One cat was, however, thoroughly annoyed. And a teensy bit (read that as totally) scared of my kitty ears (like puffy tail scared and everything! it was super cute!).

Sometimes I wonder how Spike puts up with me. Oh yeah - the Whiskas, that's how.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

entrelac scarf

I finished the entrelac scarf I've been working on. Everyone seems to be impressed by this scarf, so here you go - be impressed!

Basic entrelac scarf based on the Danica pattern on Knitty. I used their numbers, but I didn't change yarns. It took 3 skeins of Patons SWS in geranium. I love this yarn! so pretty!

I brought this scarf to the knitting group at work last week. The ladies at work were so impressed - the next day three of the women from the knitting group brought their friends over and asked to see my scarf again. lol

Sunday, October 22, 2006

no more cold feet

I've been doing a lot of knitting lately.
Last week I made one pink ankle sock
(my own pattern, thank you very much)
and yesterday I knit one big blue sock.
Neither of them have partners,
so I wore them together.
At least my feet weren't cold.
My right ankle though? Very chilly.

I took the next few pictures of The Lawrence Welk Show for someone specific - you know who you are, even if you don't know who Lawrence Welk is. ;) (yes, there was wine involved in the decision to take these pictures. There usually is some form of alcohol involved when I start taking pictures of what's on tv.)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

cleaned out the freezer...

... and found some lefse! We were so excited!

My car is over 100,000 miles now! I was waiting and waiting and waiting to hit 100,000 miles. I made sure to have my camera handy with a charged battery so I could be sure to get a photo of it - and then Monday morning I checked the odometer and it said 100,023. I missed the big moment! *sigh* You'll have to settle for this picture of mile 100,100.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A cat with something to say

I just don't know what he's so angry about.
It probably has something to do with his empty treat bowl
and the fact that he can't get the packet of
poultry-flavored Whiskas out of the cabinet by himself.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

5 weird things

Erin tagged me with a meme, so here goes:

5 weird things about me

  • I've had a ganglion cyst in my left wrist for more than 15 years. I like it - it comes and goes and is squishy. The coolest thing about it - when it's really big I can press a laser pointer to the side of it and the whole cyst glows. I've actually had a second cyst pop up, but the one in my wrist is the most consistent and it's my favorite.
  • Most of the time I'd rather come up with an elaborate plan for something than actually do the thing I created an elaborate plan for. You may know that I knit and crochet a lot lately - I don't think I actually like to knit or crochet. I just the planning that's involved in it.
  • I once scored a 167 in an online IQ test. The internet thinks I'm a genius! and you know, the internet is always right. ;) I took that test one day with a group of guys, one of whom was really excited about his score until I beat him by 30 points. ha! (I love outsmarting guys who think they're smarter than me, even if it's only on scientifically worthless internet tests. I am very good at standardized tests in general though.)
  • I have pretty good hearing. I can often hear people who think I can't hear them. It's great for eavesdropping and picking up gossip. I'm also really good at recognizing voices.
  • I've been to Irish pub-type bars in 5 different countries but I've never been to Ireland. (If you're interested - Ansbach (Germany), Lucerne (Switzerland), Paris, London and, of course, here in the US. (And yes - I've used the bathroom in all of them! you guys should have been able to guess that!))

and now 5 weird things about Spike:

  • His favorite food of all time is potatoes: McDonalds french fries, potato chips, lefse and, his ultimate favorite - mashed potatoes with meatballs and gravy all mixed together. He also will beg for chicken, Whiskas Choice Cuts, milk, cheese, ice cream and Cheetos (he likes to lick the orange power off them!).
  • He likes to play and be petted while laying on the stairs with his head hanging over the edge.
  • He will only drink water from a drinking glass. He absolutely refuses to drink from a bowl and would rather go for days without water than drink from a bowl. (You can see it in the background of this picture.)
  • His favorite place to sleep is anywhere on top of me. On my lap, in my arms, curled up on top of me under the covers in bed, even on top of my feet once while I stood in the kitchen and talked on the phone.
  • He's very vocal and will have a "conversation" with me. He will also call for me if he thinks I'm home but in a different room. When I reply to him he'll come running to find me and then reprimands me for leaving him alone in the first place.
  • bonus Spike fact - I think he likes being called "fluffybutt"!

Let's see... who can I tag... (you know what's coming here, right?) Todd - you're it - let's hear 5 weird things about Todd.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

mmm... Ikea!

Meatballs, fries and a chocolate marzipan roll thing. yum!

and a treat for Spike. He really, really wants it -
can you tell he's standing on his back legs? lol

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

6 Spike fans can't be wrong!

I was talking to this guy at work today about web stuff and we ended up talking about blogs. I told him I had a blog and he asked what put on it. So I told him it was mostly just pictures I have taken of random stuff. I told him the last thing I had put up there was a photo of me and my cat. He said, incredulously, "People want to look at that?" I told him "6 Spike fans can't be wrong!" I don't think he got the joke.

I love checking the stats on how many people look at this. It's kind of pointless in a way, since only 6 people looked at my picture on Sunday. But on the other hand - Six people came to check out my blog on Sunday! I wanted to ask that guy at work how many people were interested in him and his dog on Sunday! so there.

I'm going to Ikea tonight. So, just for you, my faithful 15 regular readers, there will be pictures of meatballs!

Also, on a semi-related note - there are a few people in Virginia who keep googling Sven Sundgaard and ending up here. How strange is that? Seriously, it's happening like once a week. Either there's another Sven Sundgaard down there or someone in Virginia has a massive crush on Sven!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

self portrait, avec cat

From Spike

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

I swear, the Internet had some kind of personal vendetta against me this weekend. It wouldn't let me send pictures anywhere! no printing, no emailing, no blogging. grrr.

It took me a while, but I finally put up pics from a few weekends ago.

Sept. 23, 2006
Sep 23, 2006 - 7 Photos
(click on the photo to check them out!)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dinner with Tucker

The fun part...

and the not so fun part.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Finding Things

On my weekly (but lately not-so-weekly lol) walk with my friends Erin and Tucker I picked up this lost to-do list. I guess I have it pretty easy compared to this guy - I think the hardest thing on my list right now is #4. Clean litter box!

I spent some time cleaning out the closet in my spare bedroom today. I'm kind of a packrat, but today I tossed a bunch of things I really don't need anymore. The stuff is still in my garage, so if anyone's interested in a stack of New Kids on the Block pictures ripped out of magazines and once taped to my bedroom wall let me know before Tuesday's trash pick up.

I did find a few interesting things though. Remeber when cds came in cardboard packaging? I stilll have the package from the REM album Automatic for the People. I remember it perfectly - Camille gave it to me for my 16th birthday and I unwrapped it on the bus on the way home from school. This was in December of 1992.

I also found a bunch of papers I had written in school (Mr. Keller gave me an A- on my essay comparing and contrasting two differant fiction genres!), a whole years' worth of The Pony Express, Stillwater high school's student newspaper, the essay my brother wrote for his 9th grade confirmation class (I have no idea why I have that!), and, best of all, grade school yearbooks.

I thought this was cute - here Dan has signed his name by his photo. This photo was probably taken in the fall of 1985, he was 7 years old. Note the missing teeth, the perfect currsive "D", and the not so perfect... well, check it out:

And if you think it's mean of me to post someone else's old yearbook photo, here's mine, too. I would have been 8 in this picture. A semi-related fun fact: The kid whose photo is next to mine on the page just started his first year as an elementary school principal!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Lunch of Champions...

Kraft EasyMac and S'Mores Poptarts... mmm...

Or maybe it's just the lunch of people who raided their desk drawers looking for anything edible. like me. lol

Friday, September 01, 2006

Phone cozy

I always thought these bags were kind of goofy looking but the other day I realized I needed somewhere to put my phone besides my pockets. I just didn't have room in my pockets for all my stuff. So here it is - a phone cozy bag.

Knit & Crochet stuff
Jul 24, 2006 - 5 Photos

It's just a tiny bag with a strap. It can be hooked around a belt or the strap of the bag I carry to work every day. No more shoving in pockets or digging around in the bottom of my bag hoping to find the phone before it stops ringing!

No pattern, just made it up as I went. I used some clearance Joann Sensations yarn called Smania in the Dark Multi colorway. It's actually darker colors than the picture shows.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


My first nephew arrived this morning!

Samuel Francis

8/30/06, 5:15 AM

7 lbs 10 ozs, 20.5 inches

Click on the picture to see more!

Aug 30, 2006 - 10 Photos

Monday, August 28, 2006

Peaches and fangs! Rawr!

These peaches tasted fantastic
and looked really pretty too!
I got a new cell phone.
Spike's getting calls already...
Fangs! I never get to see these!
He's not that tough though - he's yawning.

I'm almost done with this sweater!
I'm just excited.